We had the pleasure of speaking with our Geography Tours Development Manager and Field Study Tutor, Cath Rule, to find out more about her background and time at Rayburn Tours as well as some of her most memorable moments as a passionate geographer. Cath has been with us for 9 and a half years, and what would we do without her! She brings the magic to Geography and ensures that everyone gets the most of their trip once the itinerary has been put together. Working internally and externally with our FST team, new members of staff, and our product team, Cath is a valued member who reflects her passion for geography on to others!
“Geography is all around us, it’s easy to see, constantly changing, constantly moving. There’s a thrill and rawness to it.”- Cath Rule
So, what is a Geography Development Manager? Cath works with all our departments, whether this be speaking with party leaders with our sales team, helping improve our products, or developing resources for marketing to share with teachers. Cath manages a large team of FST’s externally, which has grown immensely over the past few years.