
Top 5 Volcanoes That Changed the World

Volcanoes are amazing exhibitions of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth. These explosive formations are vents in the Earth’s surface where molten rock, debris, and gases from the...

All in the name of geography – Part 1 Singapore.

At the end of July, 23 intrepid geographers set out to explore Singapore and Malaysia as part of the Geographical Association ISIG’s annual study tour. This was a great opportunity to travel with...

10 Things Every Geographer Should Know About Earthquakes

We asked our Geography Tours Development Manager and lover of all things geographical, Cath Rule, to put together ’10 Things Every Geographer Should Know About Earthquakes’. She thinks the list...

Five most memorable volcanic eruptions

We asked our Geography Tours Development Manager and all-round geography enthusiast, Cath Rule, to put together a list of memorable volcanic eruptions. She gets pretty fired up about all things...

Top 10 most dangerous volcanoes

Among the world’s most devastating natural forces, these deadly volcanoes have sculpted landscapes, buried cities and reshaped history. Active or dormant, explosive or effusive, this infographic...

A comparison of Volcanic Eruptions

Wouldn’t it be interesting to capture in a nutshell the dates, scale and effects of certain volcanic eruptions across the world? Are you seeking a valuable resource for the classroom? Stimulate...

Switzerland – More than just chocolate and cheese!

What goes through your head when someone mentions Switzerland to you? Maybe words such as chocolate, cheese, watches, banking, Rodger Federer, neutrality. I’m sure there are lots more clichés that...