
Venture off the beaten track, with our top tips to Paris

Paris is not known as the City of Lights because of the wattage put out by the Eiffel Tower every evening, but rather the ‘Lights’ refer to the number of intellectual residents that made Paris...
Vatnajokul National Park

Vatnajökull: The battle of fire and ice.

If you have the time when you’re in Iceland head east from Vik along the “1” road towards the Vatnajökull National Park, Europe’s largest National Park covering 13% of Iceland’s land area....

History tours help with exams

Shortly all the exam results will be with us – it was the ‘A’ Level results last week and soon it will be the GCSE’s. For another year the waiting will be over, this can be a worrying time...

Switzerland – More than just chocolate and cheese!

What goes through your head when someone mentions Switzerland to you? Maybe words such as chocolate, cheese, watches, banking, Rodger Federer, neutrality. I’m sure there are lots more clichés that...

Greg (me) enjoying my time in the Blue Lagoon.

Hours to go!

It’s only a matter of hours before we leave college for Gatwick. Everything is now packed and I’m preparing for an early start tomorrow.( As we leave at 7am)! Keep up to date for further...

48 hours until takeoff!

We depart on our 5 day Icelandic adventure Wednesday morning. Final preparations are being made now. I think I’ve almost packed everything.  In 2 days time we would have landed! Everyone here...

Marrekech and the High Atlas mountains

Day two set off promptly after spending the night in a very comfortable and accommodating hotel. The pupils were up, bags packed and rooms spotless! We set off from Marrakech towards the High Atlas...

Arrived safely!!

Hello back in the UK! We have arrived safely in Morocco. The plane journey was pretty uneventful with only a small amount of turbulance. The hotel is very nice and hospitable. All pupils are settled...

Day 2 in NYC

We woke up at 7 and were all down stairs by 8 o’clock for our breakfast with a choice of cereal, bagels and muffins. Everyone was very excited for our first exploration of New York. Firstly,...

Day 1 in NYC

We departed The Priory at 7am and made our way to Heathrow Airport. We arrived at the airport at 11:30 and boarded the flight at 1:30. Rahul got searched at every security check point and we...