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10 Things Every Geographer Should Know About Earthquakes
We asked our Geography Tours Development Manager and lover of all things geographical, Cath Rule, to put together ’10 Things Every Geographer Should Know About Earthquakes’. She thinks the list...

The Battle of the Somme, 1st July – 19th November 1916
1st July marks the anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme. We’ve compiled the key facts and figures from the bloody battle, considering the events leading up to it, those who...

Women’s Roles in the First World War
To mark the end of ‘Women’s History Month’ we asked our History Tours Development Manager, freelance historian and all-round history enthusiast, Paula Kitching, to pull together the key details...

Five most memorable volcanic eruptions
We asked our Geography Tours Development Manager and all-round geography enthusiast, Cath Rule, to put together a list of memorable volcanic eruptions. She gets pretty fired up about all things...

Top 5 reasons to learn a foreign language
Check out out our top 5 reasons to learn a language! Did you know a handful of our team at Rayburn speak at least one foreign language?

The 10 most unusual schools from around the world
You’d think most schools are generally the same – classrooms, study books, decontamination showers – wait, what? Yes, they come as standard at New Mexico’s underground Abo Elementary School...

Top 10 most common homework excuses
Teachers, we know you’re no strangers to a homework excuse or two. Monday arrives and so do the mix of elaborate speeches and simple one-liners for why last week’s homework hasn’t been...

Top 10 most bizarre homework excuses
It’s Sunday night, you’ve got school tomorrow and it suddenly dawns on you – you’ve forgotten to do your homework! It’s too late to start it now… I mean, who wants to be falling asleep at...

The 9 most common languages
To quote Fred Weasley in The Goblet of Fire: ‘Anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.’ Unfortunately, if you want to get truly invested in a different culture, you’re...

Top 10 most dangerous volcanoes
Among the world’s most devastating natural forces, these deadly volcanoes have sculpted landscapes, buried cities and reshaped history. Active or dormant, explosive or effusive, this infographic...

25 fictional languages you can learn to speak
So, you’ve perfected the oh-so French trill, conquered the dreaded German ‘R’ and mastered the Spanish ‘Ser’ and ‘Estar’, but do you know how to speak Elvish, Dothraki or Furbish? From...

A comparison of Volcanic Eruptions
Wouldn’t it be interesting to capture in a nutshell the dates, scale and effects of certain volcanic eruptions across the world? Are you seeking a valuable resource for the classroom? Stimulate...