
Trombone playing reading and playing music on a concert tour

11 Brass Band Venues from Around the World

For your pocket guide to some standout places to play in - like Disneyland Paris, Menin Gate and the Lincoln Memorial - take 2 minutes to read this.

10 Best Ways on How To Prepare for Your Music Tour

Fundraising, early planning and assessing concert tour members are just 3 of the top points in getting your music trip off the ground. You can read the rest here.

9 Top Tips on How to Plan the Perfect School Concert Tour

It can be daunting planning a school concert tour for 40+ students. You’re enormously excited and feel 9 top tips on how to plan the perfect school concert tour would be ideal. Then worry no...

Summer Fun in Edinburgh!

Summer concert tours to Edinburgh are a popular choice for adult music groups, when a performance as part of the renowned Edinburgh Fringe Festival is a possibility. So it comes as no surprise to us...

Top takeaways from our first concert tours webinar

In 2021, we ran our very first Concert Tours Webinar which proved to be a resounding success, with all those in attendance leaving with a bunch of invaluable tips and takeaways from our panel of...
Got 2 Sing choristers performing at Spitalfields on their 2023 London Tour

How to choose the right destination for your next concert tour?

Following the success of our first concert tours webinar, we asked delegates for feedback around what future topics they would like to see us cover off via webinars and blog content. Without a...

Why going above and beyond is worth every minute

“I’m a full-time music teacher and I lead music ensembles in my spare time”: whatever your scenario, you may be asking yourself “what’s in it for me?”. Now that is a question that is...

Things you may not know, but need to know about a concert tour!

Leading industry professionals share their top tips for choirs

It’s not often that you get to ask a group of music industry leading professionals for their top tips, so we were thrilled to get the opportunity to ask some of the UK’s best workshop leaders for...

Tips to get the go ahead on your next school music trip!

One of the first hurdles when planning a school music trip is getting the go ahead from the decision makers at your school – and we know this can sometimes be a long process. So to help you out...
Concert Performance

Ready to tour, but not sure where to start?

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…4, 5, 6   With international trips back on the agenda, we’re seeing a big increase in demand for these unforgettable experiences. We’re already helping groups get...
Holy Trinity School

Holy Trinity School go down in Rayburn Tours History!

Who would have thought we would have had to cancel all those trips back in 2020 and postpone many others (sometimes twice) as we all experienced the shocking consequences of a worldwide pandemic? But...