Educational Trips

Meet Morocco… Africa’s Golden-Hued Gateway to Geographical Discovery!

Delve into the beauty of Morocco and discover the incredible hotspots this geography trip has to offer!

Journey Through Time at The DDR Museum: A Must for Your Berlin Itinerary!

A history trip to Berlin effortlessly contrasts a captivatingly complex historical past with an electric modern-day urban energy. From the collection of unique murals detailed on the Berlin Wall...
History Tour Guide engages students on a battlefield tour

Helpful & Practical Clothing Tips for Your Students on their First-Time Battlefield Tour

Get your students ready for your upcoming battlefields tour with this easy read handbook on which clothes to take!
Sun sets on an Andalusian coastal white building town

The Jewels of Andalusia: Granada, Malaga & Seville

Southern Spain awaits with gorgeous vistas, captivating landmarks and a whole world full of culture. A perfect setting to bolster your Spanish!
History Tour Guides Trevor Booker and Tony Smith stand either side of Nicola Astle, Rayburn Tours Marketing Manager, and pose for the camera

2 Brilliant Experts Help Us Enhance Your History Tour Even More!

We're not standing still when it comes to refining your trip even more. And with these two History Tour Guides we've hit the jackpot!

Busting the History is ‘Old News’ Myth

History is often mislabelled as a duller subject, or ‘old news’. But history’s relevancy has never been greater, and goes far beyond just names, dates...
Nicky Astle, Rayburn Tours Marketing Manager, sits with History Tour Guides Trevor Booker and Tony Smith before a historic podcast

A Historic Podcast with 2 Excellent History Tour Guides!

It's here! Our FIRST ever podcast. And we made it even more historic by chatting to 2 brilliant History Tour Guides about all things history.
Trevor Booker poses in front of the Reichstag

Trevor Booker: The History Tour Guide Bringing the Past to Life

Really pack in the emotion, education and poignancy with your tour by including an History Tour Guide. Here we showcase one of the best!
History Tour Guide and students hold map of Western Front with Thiepval Memorial

Brilliant Things You Can Do to Enhance Your WW1 & WW2 History Tour

With a helping hand from 2 talented History Tour Guides, we've come up with brilliant things you can do to enhance your WW1 & WW2 History Tour.
History guide and pupils at Hooge Crater Museum, Ypres

Bringing History to Life: The Tools and Techniques Behind Our Successful Trips 

History is not just about the past, it’s also vital in understanding our present and forging our future! That’s why we offer immersive history trips that spark student’s curiosity, drive...

4 Subjects in 1! The Grammar School Nicosia’s Incredible International Trip to London

Art, law, politics, history and a HUGE dose of UK capital city culture all in one trip was discovered by the school from Cyprus...
Amazing scenery of mountains and trees with School Geography Trips to Switzerland

Alps, Banking & A Particle Accelerator: The 3 sides of Grammar School Nicosia’s Brilliant Swiss Adventure

3 subjects in 1 - geography, economics and physics - on a international trip like no other to Switzerland for the school from Nicosia!