Booking form & Conditions To view a copy of our Booking Conditions click here Group Leader DetailsTitle*First Name*Surname*Email* Contact No.Address* Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Postal/Zip Code Is this your primary address? Yes No For school groups we require a home address in case we have to provide you with information out of term time. If you have concerns about data protection, please see section 11 of our booking conditions. School / Group DetailsSchool / Group Name*Email Contact No.Address* Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Postal/Zip Code Please tick this box to give your consent for the processing of special category data to our approved suppliers. This is required to ensure we can make all the arrangements of your tour. Although not limited to, special category data relates to dietary information for all persons travelling, and for homestay trips, cultural, medical, physical and dietary requirements. Please see the website for full details of our Privacy Policy. Special Category Data Consent Please tick this box to give your consent for the processing of special category data to our approved suppliers. This is required to ensure we can make all the arrangements of your tour. Although not limited to, special category data relates to dietary information for all persons travelling, and for homestay trips, cultural, medical, physical and dietary requirements. Please see the website for full details of our Privacy Policy. Finance Contact Details Same as group leader Title*First Name*Surname*Email Address* Telephone Number Tour DetailsTour Type*Please selectEducational TourConcert TourSports TourSki TripAdventure TripSubject*Type of Performance Group*Your Sport*Destination*Departure Date*Please select both month & year at the top, and day on the calendar. DD slash MM slash YYYY Return Date*Please select both month & year at the top, and day on the calendar. DD slash MM slash YYYY Tour Price in quotation per person (£)*Insurance* Rayburn Tours policy Own Please Quote Composition of GroupTotal No. of People Paying*Total No. of free places*No. of passengers 15 years and under at time of travel*No. of passengers 16 years and over at time of travel*Total number of people travelling on trip*Ladies*Gentlemen*Boys*Girls*Year Group Tour DepositTotal Group Deposit (£)*Payment Method*Select OptionBank TransferChequeDebit CardThis amount represents first deposits per paying group member. I understand that second deposits of the amount shown in the quotation will be payable per paying group member no later than 8 weeks after the date of payment of first deposits and the balance of the cost of the tour must be paid no later than 10 weeks before departure. A different timetable will apply where booking is made 22 weeks or less before departure. I further understand that the cost of flights which have been paid for will be non-refundable in the event of our cancellation where the airline does not permit cancellation after booking. This cost may exceed first deposits. I understand that the price payable for flights is applicable when the flights are actually booked and that the flight price shown in the quotation is an indication of the excepted price and not the confirmed price. Accept booking conditions* On behalf of all group members (and their parent(s)/guardian(s) for group members who are under 18), I confirm I have read and accept Rayburn Tours booking conditions. Marketing photo consent On behalf of all group members, I give consent for any photographs or video footage that are taken by a member of the Rayburn Tours team to be used in marketing material produced for and by Rayburn Tours. Such marketing material includes brochures, newsletters, adverts, email newsletters, social media and our website, Any Special Requirements?This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.